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VPNFL Site News
All dates are Japan Standard Time.
- 3/25/00:
- First update in some time: The VPNCAA 2000 college files.
- More to come soon, including the 2000 draft files.
- 8/11/99:
- Version 1.5 of the USFL files and VPNFL files with fantasy/fictional players by Tommy Rewis on the Files page.
- Version 1.0 of the VPNCAA files by Jon "Browndog" Brumley on the Files page.
- Links to the following leagues also on the Links & Leagues page: the Nitro Footbal League and World Wide League of Football.
- Link to the University of FBPro on the Links page.
- 7/1/99: Version 1.4 of the USFL files by Tommy Rewis uploaded.
- 6/27/99: Lots of new stuff:
- Links to new .wav (sound) files for FBPro98 in general and the VPNFL in particular, and a link to Eric Richardson's Draft Aid utility.
- Links to the following leagues: The USAFL, the ICFA, the OFL, the NewAFL, the WCFL, and the MFL.
- 6/11/99: Added Grimley's VPNFL-compliant plays for FBPro96, and links to the HTFL, SPFL, OTFL and AAFL.
- 6/1/99: Added Jeff Parker's VPNFL Classic League files, and links to the VLFL and NBSFL.
- 5/25/99: Added links to SlashWare Utilities and the NHBL.
- 5/18/99: Added the links to the MJS-NCAA, NSFL and UFPL.
- 5/7/99: Updated the link to the NFL Y2K.
- 5/6/99:
- Added the 1999 Draft in league file format, and Tommy Rewis's USFL84 league files.
- Added a link to the NMFL and updated the description of the MJSFL.
- 5/1/99: Added links to Jon Brumley's NSNCAA site that he will use to coordinate making VPNFL-based college league files, and a link to the Legends Football League.
- 4/22/99: Updated the 1999 draft file to version 1.1 (includes all the real players who were drafted) and the NSNCAA files to version 1.2 (minor fixes to two sets of league files).
- 4/20/99: Uploaded and linked Jon "Browndog" Brumley's NSNCAA files.
- 4/17/99: The VPNFL-compliant 1999 draft file is put up.
- 4/15/99: We've got 2,000 hits in a little over three weeks, and we've got a new banner. Thanks go to Nobuhiro Kaneda for doing the work on the banner and button. (Just to show I'm not the only "insane" and "obsessed" Japanese out there. ;o) )
- Also added a link to the NIFA.
- 4/13/99: Added a link to the nWoFL.
- 4/12/99: Added a link to the PSFL.
- 3/31/99: Added a link to the Tom Landry League and the Total NFL.
- 3/29/99: Added links to the NFL Y2K, the UFA and the PCFL FBPro Links sites.
- 3/26/99: Added links to the SFL and MJSFL.
- 3/24/99: We are now open for business.
- 3/23/99: Started testing the site.