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Files to Enhance the VPNFL Experience
VPNCAA 2000 Files (265 KB) (Posted 3/25/00) by Jon Brumley and Ian Lewis.
(Requires the VPNCAA files below.)
From Jon and Ian:
"These [files] can be extracted anywhere, but it is suggested that they do not get extracted to the original VPNCAA directory as the leagues have the same names as the previous release.
"[The included] Qbkeeper.ply,...should be placed in the college ppp directory formed from the previous release, c:\sierra\fbpro98\vpnfl\college\ppp. This play will work better with the running quarterbacks in this file.
"[S]ince we have set the potentials in these files as "college potentials," you can kind of project where the underclassmen will be after running through the training camps (i.e., the Juniors would have one more training camp before graduating)."
- The VPNCAA (formerly Next-Step NCAA (NSNCAA) Version 1.0 (Posted 8/11/99) (Big file! About 1.1 MB)
Jon "Browndog" Brumley has rescaled Khary Williams' massive 112 team INCAA files for division 1A colleges for the 1998-9 season, so that they more realistically represent the actual abilities of the teams. If you have any questions about these files, e-mail Jon here.
- Description by Jon on the new package:
- There are two college league files that are necessary to download (also, you must have the VPNFL files already as many of those plays were used):
NOTE: all files have documentation that should be read prior to their use. -- the college files. There are now eleven game seasons with the correct number of conference games, new profile assignments, thirty plus offensive plans including a wishbone set, an I-bone set, a multiple receiver set offense, and offenses centered around QB's running as well as passing (like Kansas State), , two additional offensive profiles, defensive profiles based on teams base fronts (3-4 or 4-3) with the correct punt returner in place, all players are set to 1 (freshman) to 4 (senior) years experience, roster corrections from previous release, and uniform corrections. This file should be placed into a directory structure of c:\sierra\fbpro98\vpnfl\college. -- the new plays (200 plus I believe), plans, and profiles needed to run the ppp's. It also must be in place for the files to work. It should be placed in the directory structure of c:\sierra\fbpro98\vpnfl\college\ppp. -- Ken Parker (*) multiple page worksheet for use with excel 97 and higher. This will keep rank teams by computer, strength of schedule, an AP poll, a USA Today/ESPN poll as well as having many other features ! If you have excel 97 or better, you will want this utility. -- this contains a cities.dat file to allow you to change the college teams to the correct locations. You will want to read the documentation on this if you have created new cities using Mycity. This was created by William Harris.
- -- an attendance program that William Harris submitted. This will require a couple other programs which you can read about in the documentation.
- 1999 Draft Pool for the VPNFL Files Version 1.1 (Posted 4/22/99)
Now includes all of the real players who were drafted in the 1999 NFL draft.
Note: Be sure to read the included readme.doc file. These files cannot be used simply by importing them!!
- 1999 Draft Pool in League File Format Version 1.0 (Posted 5/6/99)
This is the above Draft Pool file, but in a set of league files. (The league files are those that were used by the PureNFL until about week 14 of the regular season, then simmed out to season end.) If you do not have MS Excel, you can use these files in conjunction with Sundby's Roster (to get the player IDs) and Currie's Transfer Player 98 utility to move the draftees from this league to yours. Sundby's Roster can be found at his site (see the Links & Leagues page). Currie's Transfer Player 98 can be found on the FBPro98 CD-ROM in the Extra folder. If you don't have it, you can also download it below. Note that there are some made-up players that have all 10s for ratings. In addition, I found that FBPro98 adds a very few players after I imported the draftees, so that there are some made-up players that have ratings other than all 10. These players are easy to find, however, because they have pretty lousy ratings in most attributes.
- Currie's Transfer Player 98
This utility requires Sundby's Roster to retrieve the player IDs.
- Sullivan's FBEdit 3.1(Freeware version) (Big 4 MB d/l)
It has been brought to my attention that the link for this program is no longer working at Sullivan's website, so I'm posting it here for the time being.
- VP Fantasy League Version 1.0 by Tommy Rewis (Posted 8/11/99)
- From Tommy: "This is a little project I thought some might be interested in. The VPFF is a 28 team league made up of "fantasy" players (generated names and ratings), modified to fit the VPNFL ratings system. Both actual and potential ratings have been modified. I designed this for those FBPro 98 players and leagues who just like to create their own football worlds (like me). The league can be re-pooled and drafted or used as-is; it has a large selection of FA's."
- VPNFL Compliant Plays for FBPro96 by Bill "Grimley" McCrimmon (Posted 6/11/99)
- I-formation running plays and passing plays designed/altered to reflect the Dolphins style of play, (simple power/ drift blocking schemes, with FB lead;
- Runs and passes from the ACE formation;
- Assorted pass plays from various formations;
- 2-deep and 3-deep zones from the nickel formation, with the CBs in bump and run;
If you have any questions on these files, e-mail Grimley at
- VPNFL Classic League Files Version 1.0 by Jeff "Sasquatch" Parker (Posted 6/1/99)
There are three sets of league files with 28 teams in each for a total of 84 great teams from the past. There are also K-Gun and R&S plans, and a readme.txt file. Be sure to read the readme.txt file before doing anything else to make sure you know what you're doing.
If you have any questions on these files, e-mail Jeff at
- VPNFL-compliant USFL 1984 League Files Version 1.5 by Tommy Rewis (Posted 8/11/99)
From Tommy on version 1.5: "Here is the latest and hopefully last set of USFL files for the league. Major improvements, especially the PPP's and the draft file. Also added Orlando and Portland to the cities.dat file. Other minor changes."
From Tommy on version 1.4: "The fixes in this one include: More changes to the cities.dat file for 1984; fixes to the draft file; a couple of uniform fixes; the new and upgraded 4-3 defensive plan; plus other minor stuff
From Tommy Rewis on version 1.3: "This version contains a very few new fixes to the original files, plus the commissioner's pack of 4 new files including 1985 VPNFL-compliant draft files, an attendance file, a new cities.dat file and an 18-game scheduling file."
Original description of the files: "These files include the real 18-game schedule, a run and shoot gameplan, modified profiles for "80's" football, and team-specific gameplans. I recommend unzipping this to a temporary directory to read the
readme.txt for installation. These files require the VPNFL files (with the three patches installed) and directory structure, but all USFL files, PPP's, etc. will be installed in its own sub-directory so there will be no conflict." If you have any questions, e-mail Tommy at
- Team Specific Game Plans
User submitted team specific game plans for their favorite teams. If you have a favorite team that you follow religiously and for which you have made a VPNFL-compliant game plan, then please submit it with any special instructions on how to use it to the webmaster.
- Patches from the VPNFL Project Team
- Note: Each of these patches contains a readme.txt file, so be sure to read it. The zip files should be extracted in the order listed above; i.e.,, and
- (Posted 6/27/99)
This is a revision of the above that Jon Brumley organized, and that will, hopefully, fix problems that users have been experiencing with the file. This zip file contains three separate zip files that should be extracted to folders under the VPNFL folder with the same names. If you do not have a Substitutions folder under the VPNFL folder, then you'll have to make one yourself. If you don't have either the or this file, it is recommended that you download both.