Undrafted FA Proposal

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Re: Undrafted FA Proposal

Postby Dean-Atlanta » Thu Mar 17, 2022 1:47 pm

Did allowing points to be traded as a commodity lead to some teams being more able to hoard points?
The Atlanta Falcons

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Re: Undrafted FA Proposal

Postby Jerry-Redskins » Thu Mar 17, 2022 1:54 pm

I think the trading and James last rebuild. He had so many picks he had to do no contracts for several seasons.
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Re: Undrafted FA Proposal

Postby Rich-League Officer » Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:25 pm

James has not traded his way to a plethora of points :)
In fact he is -21.5 in the last 5 seasons.
It really is easy to do, you just "neglect" your team.
You don't re-sign players, you sign lots of 1 point or zero point FAs.
You trade away draft picks that cost points.
You trade one player for 3 players.
All it takes is a season or 2 of this and you'll have 100+ points.

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Re: Undrafted FA Proposal

Postby James-Eagles » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:08 am

I like the 0 point FA for undrafted rookies because it will allow them to get a targets TC. It will help foster better young crop now that they diversity.

Personally 0 point free agents should be a year round thing. If you don't like the person getting them for 0 points bid a point. If you talking point saying you looking at may teams saving a few points but not much. I think the upside is more than the cost.

Rich-League Officer wrote:James has not traded his way to a plethora of points :)
In fact he is -21.5 in the last 5 seasons.
It really is easy to do, you just "neglect" your team.
You don't re-sign players, you sign lots of 1 point or zero point FAs.
You trade away draft picks that cost points.
You trade one player for 3 players.
All it takes is a season or 2 of this and you'll have 100+ points.

"Nelect" I don't know about that. We both know I love the draft and trading. I also would point out that I was one of the top cap teams season in and out.

The reason I generally trade away my picks is the fact the draft is 0 fun for me. The last few drafts I actually picked in were horrible experience which for me is sad because I enjoy the ability to find value in it. The draft used to be one of my favorite league events now is probably my least. I know it won't happen but if draft would have been Draftstock. I would have not traded my picks away.

As for 1 point vs resigning. This is a tough one but I would make a case right now most players aren't that much better than 1 point FA. Why spend 2 points when I can spend 1. This should change with new drafts. It really comes down to the margin comparison. If I can get Player A for 1 point vs Player b for 2 points. Is Player B that much better or makes it worth spending 1 point more. If a player is worth it sign him long term.

The biggest thing is how much people value points. Looking at how people use points I think people view points as a budgets not an asset. I have points so I should sign all my marginal players to 2 year contracts. Then every year becomes a points juggling. If you view it as an asset it becomes is this worth the points or not. There are other teams who seems to do a great job managing points.

That being said points have lost a lot of there value with the new Anti-age system.

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