PROPOSAL: Rewrite the definition of some defenses

Steve-Buffalo Bills
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PROPOSAL: Rewrite the definition of some defenses

Postby Steve-Buffalo Bills » Fri Aug 04, 2023 6:26 pm

I noticed there is some confusion and conflicting information between what is written in the Custom Plans page versus the Custom Plays page. This is what I am referring to:

From Custom Plans rules page:
Pass Short: New Pass Short plays will require a minimum of two DLs and three LBs. At least one of the two DLs must defend the LOS. As such, one DL is permitted to drop into pass coverage, but in any event, at least three players (DLs, LBs, and/or DBs) must defend the LOS.

From Custom Plays rules page:
D05: Defensive Player Formation Requirements
1. Each defensive Play must employ at least.
• 2 DL and 2 or more LBs; or
• 3 DL and 1 or more LBs; or
• 4 DL and 0 or more LBs.
o With 4 or more DLs, no LBs are required.
2. No defensive Play can have more than 7 DBs
3. The following restrictions apply to 2-DL Plays:
• RUN defense categories except RL must have at least 3 LBs (e.g. 4-3, 3-4, 3-3, etc.). Applies to Run Razzle Dazzle, Goal Line Run, Run Right, Run Middle.
• RL defenses must have at least 2 LBs (e.g. 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, etc.).
• PASS defenses must have at least 2 LBs (e.g. 2-2, 2-3, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4; 4-2, 4-3, etc.).

What's confusing is the requirement of 3 LBs for a PS play in the Custom Plans page and 2 LBs in the Custom Plays page. I get that we were probably trying to make a distinction between Pass Medium and Pass Short when it comes to 2 DL plays, but I don't think violating the original D05 rule by adding a 3rd LB makes sense. Instead, I suggest it be a Safety. This aligns with D05 but makes it slightly distinct from a 2DL PM play. In addition, we don't allow 2DL on any run defenses so the first two bullets under number 3 make zero sense. We should also require at least 2 of the DBs on run categories to be safeties.

For the purposes of clarity and distinction and better realism, I propose the following rewrites:

Update on Custom Plans rules page:
Pass Short: All new Pass Short plays that have two DLs must have two LBs and one safety. At least one of the two DLs must defend the LOS. As such, one DL is permitted to drop into pass coverage, but in any event, at least three players (DLs, LBs, and/or DBs) must defend the LOS.

Update to the Custom Plays rules page:
D05: Defensive Player Formation Requirements
1. Each defensive Play must employ at least.
• 2 DL and 2 or more LBs; or
• 3 DL and 1 or more LBs; or
• 4 DL and 0 or more LBs.
o With 4 or more DLs, no LBs are required for PASS DEFENSIVE PLAYS.
o RUN defense categories except RL must have at least 3 LBs (e.g., 4-3, 3-3, etc.). Applies to Run Razzle Dazzle, Goal Line Run, Run Right, Run Middle.
o RL defenses must have at least 2 LBs (e.g., 3-2, 4-2, etc.).
2. No defensive Play can have more than 7 DBs
• Run category defensive plays must have at least 2 Safeties, as these are the hard-hitting, run-stopper DBs.
3. The following restrictions apply to 2-DL Plays:
• PASS defenses must have at least 2 LBs.
• PASS SHORT defenses must have at least 1 Safety
PNFL 2041 Super Bowl XLIV Champions (LA Chargers)
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Steve-Buffalo Bills
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Re: PROPOSAL: Rewrite the definition of some defenses

Postby Steve-Buffalo Bills » Fri Aug 04, 2023 6:36 pm

Sigh. I just noticed the 2DL rules require less LBs for PL and PRD so this is my second attempt at rewriting this.

Update on Custom Plans rules page:
Pass Short: All new Pass Short plays that have two DLs must have two LBs and one safety. At least one of the two DLs must defend the LOS. As such, one DL is permitted to drop into pass coverage, but in any event, at least three players (DLs, LBs, and/or DBs) must defend the LOS.

Update to the Custom Plays rules page:
D05: Defensive Player Formation Requirements
1. Each defensive Play must employ at least.
• 2 DL and 2 or more LBs; or
• 3 DL and 1 or more LBs; or
• 4 DL and 0 or more LBs.
o With 4 or more DLs, no LBs are required for PASS DEFENSIVE PLAYS.
o RUN defense categories except RL must have at least 3 LBs (e.g., 4-3, 3-3, etc.). Applies to Run Razzle Dazzle, Goal Line Run, Run Right, Run Middle.
o RL defenses must have at least 2 LBs (e.g., 3-2, 4-2, etc.).
2. No defensive Play can have more than 7 DBs
• Run category defensive plays must have at least 2 Safeties, as these are the hard-hitting, run-stopper DBs.
3. The following restrictions apply to 2-DL Plays:
• PASS SHORT defenses must have at least 2 LBs and 1 Safety.
• PASS MEDIUM defenses must have at least 2 LBs.
• PASS LONG defenses must have at least 1 LB.
• PASS RAZZLE DAZZLE defenses do not require LBs.
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Re: PROPOSAL: Rewrite the definition of some defenses

Postby Mitch-Oilers » Sat Aug 05, 2023 8:22 am

I think we need to seriously consider thia proposal. I particularly like the requirement of safties on "run" defenses. That help differentiate them more from "pass" defenses. It also helps justify the requirement of including PS, PM and PL on 3rd down situations.
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Re: PROPOSAL: Rewrite the definition of some defenses

Postby Jerry-Redskins » Sat Aug 05, 2023 8:45 am

If for new plays moving forward maybe some form of the above, but we are already correcting an AI buster and plays created around the 2 DL rules. DO we really want to rebuild or delete every defense in existence potentially. I think we need to be careful.
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Steve-Buffalo Bills
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Re: PROPOSAL: Rewrite the definition of some defenses

Postby Steve-Buffalo Bills » Sat Aug 05, 2023 3:12 pm

This is not a retroactive rewrite. It’s going forward. The main goal is to make sure what we currently have is fixed so it isn’t confusing anymore too.
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Re: PROPOSAL: Rewrite the definition of some defenses

Postby Matt-Jacksonville » Sat Aug 05, 2023 3:28 pm

Steve-LA Chargers wrote:
2. No defensive Play can have more than 7 DBs

3 <removed some stuff for readability>
• PASS RAZZLE DAZZLE defenses do not require LBs.

How can you have a play with 2 DL, no LBs and only 7 DBs?

Steve-Buffalo Bills
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Re: PROPOSAL: Rewrite the definition of some defenses

Postby Steve-Buffalo Bills » Sat Aug 05, 2023 4:18 pm

Keep in mind I kept most of what was already there. If you only have 7 DBs and 2 DL on a PRD, obviously you would have to use 2 LBs to get to 11. Doesn’t invalidate the rule really. Some of it is common sense and doesn’t need to be written. But we can edit it.
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Steve-Buffalo Bills
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Re: PROPOSAL: Rewrite the definition of some defenses

Postby Steve-Buffalo Bills » Sat Aug 05, 2023 4:33 pm

So basically, based purely on plausibility due to the existing 7 DB limit, number 3 would need to say:

3. The following restrictions apply to 2-DL Plays:
• PASS SHORT defenses must have at least 2 LBs and 1 Safety.
• PASS MEDIUM, LONG, and RAZZLE DAZZLE defenses must have at least 2 LBs.

Otherwise we have to relook at the 7DB restriction which isn’t the purpose of this thread.
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Steve-Buffalo Bills
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Re: PROPOSAL: Rewrite the definition of some defenses

Postby Steve-Buffalo Bills » Sat Aug 05, 2023 8:00 pm

So to be able to proceed on this, we must as a league agree to only one thing in this proposal. Safety requirements.

Requiring 2 safeties in all run categories.


Requiring 2Dl PS to have one S and 2 LBs instead of 3 LBs
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Re: PROPOSAL: Rewrite the definition of some defenses

Postby Mitch-Oilers » Sun Aug 06, 2023 4:58 am

Yes to Safties
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