Unsolicited advice welcome!

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Unsolicited advice welcome!

Postby Neil-Raiders » Sun Dec 04, 2022 5:34 pm

Dear fellow PNFL Owners,

I very recently made some FA claims to add to my Practice Squad. Another owner voiced concern that based upon my choices perhaps I wasn't up to speed with the league and he very well may be right! While I understand the gist of the game, I haven't learned the subtle (and not so subtle) differences between FBPRO '95 and '98, and I certainly don't yet understand the intricacies of the PNFL.

On one hand I don't expect anyone to give me much advice because a) the Broncos are doing pretty well lol, and b) you all have better things to do with your time. However, from the perspective of league integrity I think the last thing anyone wants is a new owner coming in a ruining a team with bad trades and roster moves, etc. and then quitting when he's unsuccessful. So please feel free to offer advice, suggestions, etc. if there are things you think I should know or if you're concerned that I'm making questionable moves. I won't be offended, and would welcome the discussion and education on how to best to navigate the PNFL.



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Re: Unsolicited advice welcome!

Postby Dean-Atlanta » Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:10 pm

Neil I will give you some advice from my perspective of having been where you are as new team owner in the PNFL. The biggest adjustment, and it's not 98 version vs 95, it is the RATINGS Model this league uses. It is VERY easy to make mistakes as a GM with FA signings and trades when starting here and I did those things when I joined. Look closely at all the other teams in the league, especially the winning teams, to see how other GMs here build their rosters.

As for the FAs you signed, here are my comments:

DE Eyioma Uwazurike OK R 0-0 0 63 60 68 87 59 84 80 90
64 60 69 87 61 86 81 91

He maxxes out at 87 ST, a weak DE by PNFL standards. I would not have signed this player not for 0 points for this season. At the end of the season you have to cut down to 53 players, and a 87 ST DE is not worth cutting someone else to keep him.

T Liam Eichenberg OK 2 0-0 0 66 71 69 98 59 84 93 93
66 71 69 98 63 86 94 96

Pretty solid OT. This one I think was worth signing. His ST is 1 less than maxx and highest allowed AC rating.

G Aaron Banks OK 1 0-0 0 69 67 69 94 60 86 94 93
70 69 70 95 61 87 95 95

Career backup at best. I prefer 97 ST Guards with 71 AG.

HB Ty Chandler OK R 0-0 0 80 80 80 83 80 88 87 85
81 80 82 83 80 90 90 85

83 ST is good, but I prefer a little more SP on a HB. Not a bad signing but probably not likely starter.

QB Brock Purdy OK R 0-0 0 81 80 78 94 69 85 88 82
81 81 80 95 70 86 90 83

Not a bad choice, but I prefer at least a 91 if not 92 in IN. But he could be useful in the future.

I think the ideal QB is 81 81 81 96 71 87 92 84 but those are rare. I prefer at least 95 ST, 80 AG, and 92 IN with 84 DI.

Be **VERY** careful about making trades when the off-season comes. The sharks will be circling and see new team owner as the mark and you will get many many SCHLOCK trade offers. Never feel bad about making counter offer or just flat out rejecting JUNK trade offers. You will get them. Solid trades that are win-win for both teams are possible, always look for those when making trades.
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Re: Unsolicited advice welcome!

Postby Jerry-Redskins » Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:48 pm

One unrated thing in the PNFL is how long until a player can become first, a rotation player and second, a starter. TC is slower in the PNFL. This means good POTs are useless if the player takes too long to there. Also, our cap is soft with the points, but it is still a currency and you have to weight the cost of acquisition and keeping a player. This affects their value. You got them for $0, so no cost, but will they be in your two deep before you have to resign them and will they be worth resigning? This is the value question in my opinion.

The rest is subjective and how you intend to build your roster and PPP. We disagree all the time in here on attributes. The HB is a great example. We all want max POT, but we also have our favorite attributes by position. I have some that are non negotiable. 83 ST is not one for me. You will see 83 SP and 81 AC as the ones I prefer. So HB Chandler would never make the Washington roster unless I had no choice. This does not mean he will not be decent as runs inside, but I believe he would limit outside runs and the passing game. I may be wrong, but it's how I see it.
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Re: Unsolicited advice welcome!

Postby Neil-Raiders » Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:24 pm

Thanks for the great feedback guys, this is exactly the type of discussion I was hoping to have! I also apologize if this gets posted twice, I submitted a reply but it seems to have disappeared...

For what it's worth, here are some things that influenced my decisions:

1) The best FA eligible for the PS have already been taken by the rest of the league :D
2) A big factor was the concern that a number of players on my roster were going to decline due to aging. However, it has since been explained to me that players 'under contract' don't decline with age so now it's less likely that these FA will make the roster at the end of the season.
3) That being said, it is also my understanding that the PNFL is moving towards diluting the overall league talent level. So while I realize that these players might be so-so right now, might they look better in comparison in a couple of seasons (even if they're only used for roster depth?).


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Re: Unsolicited advice welcome!

Postby Mitch-Oilers » Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:14 pm

My advice is not to overpay for players because it will be several seasons before we have significant differences in player ratings. When owners are paying 8 pts for a free agent player, you will likely be able to get a player that is 97% as good as that player for 1 or 2 pts.
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