2036 Season?

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Charlie-49ers » Wed Dec 11, 2019 9:04 pm

Make sure that you read the Similarities and differences with regard to fantasy football section of the Wikipedia article!

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Mitch-Oilers » Thu Dec 12, 2019 8:57 am

We could move our league to an electric football format. I have all the NFL, many in throwback uniforms. We could televise live on twitch and each coach could just type in how they wanted their teams setup on each play.

Just kidding... however, I do have a board and all the teams, even some college teams. Ha!
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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Charlie-49ers » Thu Dec 12, 2019 9:28 am

Unless Strat-O-Matic has changed its procedures, it do not release its previous season until the start of a new season. They are located in Glenn Head New York and for many years I was standing at their door the morning they released the new cards, when they only had the board game. Once you have the game (not cheap), the annual update for the new stats and players are much less expensive. It is all about playing the game, since all the other stuff is handled by the real NFL team, and you are just dealing with what the real NFL actually did during their season and what their stats were during the previous season. It was really a cool game, but the computer version of football was really attractive to me, so I helped the original guys develop the VPNFL, which morphed into the PNFL, and the rest is history.


Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Bryan-Pittsburgh » Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:09 pm

For me, the game is a fun diversion. It is everything that we do to try a be "LIKE THE NFL" that is a pain. As it has been stated in this tread, the rosters of all the teams are about as even as they can get.

In my opinion, the Salary cap does nothing but create headaches trying to figure out how to comply. Combine that with the anti aging, un-retiring of players, it's just a lot of work that is not fun at all. I agree with those that have mentioned why not just let the game actions occur as they happen, ie retirements, let the players age and have their attributes fall off like they should. Over time, this would create some gaps between all of the teams and the rosters.

As has been suggested, taking a break of some sort during a season would be beneficial, but as has been stated, if a coach isn't participating before, it probably isn't going to change.

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Charlie-49ers » Thu Jan 16, 2020 7:53 am

Gentlemen, as Rich started this thread, we need to have a serious discussion about the League. YES, we have busted our butts over the many seasons to make the game as close to the NFL as possible, but we can never get there, as we all know. We have a Salary Cap, Anti-Aging, Un-retirement, and Free Agents; did I miss anything? The Draft Class is much better, all randomly selected attributes, very few super-stars, so you will need to make tough decisions. I cannot figure out how to do Free Agents unless we have some sort of currency for bidding purposes, but clearly we can eliminate the un-retirement aspects of the game. Likewise, we can eliminate the Anti-aging component, or limit it to one/two players per team. We are a slowly fading into oblivion, so lets have as much fun as possible until we give it up. A new season is upon us, how do you want to proceed?

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Justin-Chicago » Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:05 am

I say full steam ahead! Rich has invested a ton of work into setting up our current systems, and we see a lot of parity at the top as a result. Give the systems time to run their course, and that parity will spread even further, helping to stem the fade and attract new owners.

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