2036 Season?

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Charlie-49ers » Tue Dec 10, 2019 10:04 am

Mitch-Falcons wrote:I feel your pain, Dan. The 3rd category on defense has had a bigger impact than I anticipated. Mainly because with only 2 categories, you could set it up for a 96% chance of your play category being called. That said, a 96% chance of 1 category being called with categories only requiring 4 to 6 plays, you are coming close to picking specific plays in those situations since there are some many "similar plays" in each defensive category. An idea could be to have only 2 categories for defense with a couple of tweaks:

1) you can only use a single play category once in each scenario
2) require 8 plays for RM,RL, RR, PS, PM, PL and 6 plays for PRD and RDZ

Seriously guys, I am willing to consider a change in the upcoming season, if the other owners consider this an enhancement to the game. The thought behind any suggested change is to make the game more realistic (NFL-like), and/or enhance the enjoyment of the owners. The game has three category slots that were intended to be used, thus my initial motivation. Plus, I hated to see a Log where 50% plus of the calls in a game were Run Left, or Pass Medium, etc. If a good percentage of the best defensive plays are in one category, then the idea was to spread out the possibility of calls, a little. If you guys want a change for next season, start a Thread and let's discuss it for the League. In the scheme of things, this is not a major issue for me.

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Dan-Cincinnati » Tue Dec 10, 2019 10:10 am

All I’m saying is I’m looking for more control over what my team does, not less. The less I have and the more random it becomes, and the more I watch my team give up a critical conversion on a play I didn’t want called, the more angry I get about the game being outdated.

Due to obvious problems with the game we are already restricted enough. I remember being in leagues when this game came out where I could call plays head to head. I didn’t have to decide on Tuesday if I was going to go for it on 4-1 from the 35-35. That’s really my only point. It’s a little thing. It’s just one more lack of control I have while I watch my kicker shank chip shots and my qb spike it on 3rd down to stop the clock.

Now none of this shit is why my team sucks this year. My team sucks cuz I haven’t been putting in the work. But I’m partially not putting in the work because I’m irritated with how my team plays. It’s also more work for me to scout 3 play categories against a situation than it is to scout 2, or even 1

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Dan-Cincinnati » Tue Dec 10, 2019 10:14 am

And I reiterate that it’s not a huge deal to me either charlie. It’s not a deal breaker or reason to quit. I’m just frustrated. And while the game is outdated, that’s also part of the reason most of us love it. But I do think it’s always better to give coaches more control than less control.

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Justin-Chicago » Tue Dec 10, 2019 2:37 pm

Going for it on fourth and one from the 35-35 is a philosophical decision. Why would you make a different decision on Tuesday than Sunday?

I’ve said before, and I’ll say it again, kickers should be rated above 90 for every attribute, with the exception of speed. The game has a flaw, and we should do everything we can to overcome it. That said, fans of several NFL teams wish they weren’t watching their kicker shank chip shots this season. Adam Vinatieri ring a bell?

Having your QB spike the ball or not on 3rd down is controlled by editing the profiles in a pretty straightforward way.

And for what it’s worth, I also hate the required third defense. It is a pain, although the thought behind it that Charlie explained is sound.

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Dan-Cincinnati » Tue Dec 10, 2019 5:20 pm

Going for it on 4th down is what it is in this game. My point was about 35-35...It’s a bummer to have to make the same decision not knowing the circumstances, if I want to go for it on 4-1 and not knowing if I’m at my 35 or my opponents 35. There is a huge difference.

Also no you cannot edit the spike on 3rd down, if you would want your team to stop the clock on 3rd with a timeout. If there’s a minute left and I’m out of timeouts, my guy will spike it because the only option is stop clock. Yes I could not have any timeouts called. I have no way of knowing if my team will run out of timeouts before this 3rd down play

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Dan-Cincinnati » Tue Dec 10, 2019 5:23 pm

Again, all just little agitators. Not the end of the world. Still love the game.

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Charlie-49ers » Tue Dec 10, 2019 8:41 pm

BTW, I am going to look into a new game, which I believe is head-to-head, and based on the previous year's stats for each team in the NFL. Each year you need to buy the new team stats from the previous year. It is called Strat-O-Matic Football and was originally a table-top game, which they now developed into a computer version with head-to-head and computer play. This game was super on the table-top, and I started a league and played it for about ten years back in the 70s with a bunch of Viet Nam vets. For many years I have considered getting it, but the real 49ers just have not been good enough. Now that they have their act together, I am highly motivated to try their computer version. They also have baseball (their original flagship product), basketball and hockey. Look it up on the web.

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Dan-Cincinnati » Wed Dec 11, 2019 11:23 am

interesting! Ill have to check that out! never heard of it

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Rich-League Officer » Wed Dec 11, 2019 6:34 pm

I played strato-matic back in the early days (baseball) and it was a lot of fun till technology killed the board/card games.

Mitch, as for your idea about a game every 2 weeks. I don't think it would make a difference because the coach who does not participate now would still not participate. The better coaches might actually get better as they fine tune more.

I am not seeing a lot of consensus on anything....go recruit some new coaches is the answer :)

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Charlie-49ers » Wed Dec 11, 2019 8:21 pm

The following is the best description of Strat-O-Matic Football I could find. Please comment.


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