2036 Season?

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Steve-LA Chargers
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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Steve-LA Chargers » Sat Dec 07, 2019 11:29 am

I'm actually with Justin. I like less trades. I like the current system. I thought the last draft pool was one of the best in awhile. I thoroughly enjoyed the last offseason - especially because I had to make some hard decisions. I think it is really on the coaches to find other ways to participate when things go off the rails (e.g., try out new plays! make a trade!). If you feel like your season is lost or you are being confounded by the unpredictability of the game (and your opponent), welcome to the real world. I think the game is acting like it should for a NFL-style league if we go by the 'any given Sunday' mantra. Same for the XFBS - we seem to get more high scoring games just like in the NCAA. The game is playing realistically for both leagues. PNFL has the parity of the NFL with the Patriots ruling all (our NYG & NYJ). If you find a system that works for you and makes your team good at least in one thing even if it doesn't always lead to a win, you'll be fine. Just don't over analyze and over scout - that path only leads to frustration.
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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Mitch-Oilers » Sat Dec 07, 2019 12:16 pm

I did some calculations on my "bye week" ideas.

If we played games every 2 weeks, the season would play out in roughly 10 months, including the playoffs. With a 2 month off season, we would play a full season in 1 calendar year.

If we scheduled bye weeks after every 4 games, the season would play out in roughly 6 months, including the playoffs. Not only does this option give all teams a chance at "quarterly assessments", it give all playoff teams a bye week prior to the 1st playoff games being played. With a 2 month offseason, we would play full season every 8 months. This means we could get in 1.5 seasons per calendar year. Currently, we are getting 2 seasons in per calendar year.
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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Steve-LA Chargers » Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:01 pm

Only thing I would ask is if anyone plans on retiring/leaving after this season, you should tell Rich and Charlie now, so they can plan for it. They deserve a heads up.

I like the break week every four weeks idea, but I'm not sure it will make a difference. If a coach loses interest because they are 4-8, they might disappear for good during the break. LOL
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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Matt-Jacksonville » Sat Dec 07, 2019 8:58 pm

I'm in as long as I'm able to at least submit a ppp, and it doesn't become an issue. I don't think we need to get TOO radical and do TOO much at once. Maybe give the current system another two seasons to play out then scrap it if people still feel the same way. Maybe implement the bye week ideas this year.

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Shawn-Giants » Sun Dec 08, 2019 4:45 am

I see nothing wrong with the current system and don't really see the need for any changes unless league staff deems it's necessary. I think many times when you try and re-invent the wheel, you inadvertently kill the goose that layed the golden eggs.

The game has it's flaws and the VPNFL system has mitigated what it can along with the PNFL rules, to make the simulation reasonably real. The current system/format has historically been tried and tested with minor tweaks here and there and isn't broken, let's not fix it.

At this point It is what it is, let's get back to live drafting and if thing's get dull for you, open the play editor, there is a whole subset of strategy you can deploy, designing, practicing and creating your own plays. My vote is for no changes and get back to live drafts.

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Dan-Cincinnati » Sun Dec 08, 2019 7:09 pm

I love the idea of a game every 2 weeks. But I doubt that is the majority. It would make all the ppps that much more competitive and give everyone a chance to get a good one in. It isn’t realistic, but we also all have jobs...I think. Then again some have no problem achieving a great plan in 1 week.

I also hate the change we made to the defense last offseason requiring 3 different categories. Absolutely hate it. We should be able to have more control over what we are calling on defense...not less. It’s already random enough as it is.

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Charlie-49ers » Sun Dec 08, 2019 10:48 pm

Dan-Seattle wrote:I love the idea of a game every 2 weeks. But I doubt that is the majority. It would make all the ppps that much more competitive and give everyone a chance to get a good one in. It isn’t realistic, but we also all have jobs...I think. Then again some have no problem achieving a great plan in 1 week.

I also hate the change we made to the defense last offseason requiring 3 different categories. Absolutely hate it. We should be able to have more control over what we are calling on defense...not less. It’s already random enough as it is.

Dan, the three different categories only apply to more than five minutes to play in a half. Under five minutes, the requirement is only two categories. The idea was to open up the offense a little more. It really has little effect, once the Profile is in place! For example, before the change in a 3rd and two situation, you might have called Run Left = 1; Run Middle = 1; Run Right = 0. So, now you call Run Left = 10; Run Middle = 10; Run Right = 1. Before the change, your chances of getting the category you wanted was 50%; now it's 47.6%. Alternatively, if you really wanted Run Left before the change, your percentage was 91% with Run Left = 10; Run Middle = 1; Run Right = 0. Now, you have to use Run Left = 10; Run Middle = 1; Run Right = 1, and your chances went down to 83%. Thus, a little more randomness, and for the most part, three categories are required for most situations on offense, including inside five minutes. It really was intended to open up some limited opportunities for the offense, not to frustrate owners with more changes.

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Dan-Cincinnati » Mon Dec 09, 2019 7:44 am

Yes I know that it’s only with over 5 minutes to go in the half, but that is 50 minutes of the game. And before as I understood the rules, and was doing.... because I was only required 2 categories, If I wanted to call RR I would put RR10, RR10, RM1. That gave me a 95 chance to call what I wanted. Now the best I can do is 80%. And as you know, you wouldn’t believe how often that little 20% comes up somehow.

I know the intent was good and it was supposed to open the offense...I’m just giving my opinion. I feel like I have less control, and I already felt like I had less control than I wanted. My guy is spiking the ball on 3rd down :mrgreen:

This isn’t a criticism of you or the league, just mentioning a new rule that has negatively impacted my enjoyment

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Charlie-49ers » Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:04 pm

Sounds like your QB cannot multitask; figure out down and distance and watch the clock all at the same time. Maybe he was hitting the juice the night before! You should not drink and derive! :lol:

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Re: 2036 Season?

Postby Mitch-Oilers » Tue Dec 10, 2019 6:37 am

I feel your pain, Dan. The 3rd category on defense has had a bigger impact than I anticipated. Mainly because with only 2 categories, you could set it up for a 96% chance of your play category being called. That said, a 96% chance of 1 category being called with categories only requiring 4 to 6 plays, you are coming close to picking specific plays in those situations since there are some many "similar plays" in each defensive category. An idea could be to have only 2 categories for defense with a couple of tweaks:

1) you can only use a single play category once in each scenario
2) require 8 plays for RM,RL, RR, PS, PM, PL and 6 plays for PRD and RDZ
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