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Transfer Rolls odds

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 9:43 pm
by James-Eagles
the below numbers are for non-QB kickers
1 transfer
14+ 51.77%
13 69.14%
12 80.25%
11 88.8%
10 99.7

2 Transfer
14 66.5
13 82.85
12 91.22%
11 96.3%

If you look at the data you rarely need to transfer more than 1 roll but if you really want that 14+ player and have a bunch of junk around.

3 transfers

4 Transfers

Re: Transfer Rolls odds

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:52 am
by Dan-Cincinnati
This might have been covered, but what is to prevent us from signing some depth free agents, and just doing that each season to transfer their rolls? Maybe we could only allow transfers of guys who have been on your team for 2 years, or something of that nature. This might have been covered and I missed it

Re: Transfer Rolls odds

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 11:48 am
by Mitch-Oilers
@Dan - I believe that issue is trying to be addressed by only allowing players on your "opening day" 53 man roster eligible for transfer tolls.

Re: Transfer Rolls odds

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 12:39 pm
by Rich-League Officer
Dan, that issue has been considered and addressed.
You can sign depth players once free agency begins and if they are on your roster in week one, you could use them for this purpose next season.
But, you will need to cut down to 53 players after the SB.
Are teams going to be willing to hold on to extra old guys into the new season and cut their rookies each year?
You may be able to do this with a player or two depending on your team makeup.
But those 53 slots are usually important.

And, if I see teams are easily able to exploit this and it does not play out as I envision, the transfers may go away.
I think you could also look at the data post physical and say, teams who did not transfer at all, did no worse than the teams who did.
I think in its inaugural application, it worked quite well. We'll see how it works on the 2nd half after the SB.
Teams will have to decide, can I carry this red player or depth player in slot4 through the button or cut my rookie who I drafted in the 4th rd?
It could spice up free agency if you see a lot of young players being cut so teams can try and save their old star.

Re: Transfer Rolls odds

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 5:25 pm
by Dan-Cincinnati
Ok sounds good

Re: Transfer Rolls odds

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:36 am
by James-Eagles
This was posted more to help people not waste transfer not a thing on abuse or point out problems with the system. It was just to show how quickly odds change