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Salary Cap Poll

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 12:12 pm
by Rich-League Officer
#1 Get rid of the salary cap but keep the points system.
#2 Get rid of the salary cap & get rid of the points system.
#3 Keep the salary cap & points system.

Re: Salary Cap Poll

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 4:26 pm
by Dean-Atlanta
I think we should keep the salary cap and get rid of the points system.

Re: Salary Cap Poll

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 4:34 pm
by tmurph-Jets
How do we sign players?
Make unique salary offers to the players?

Re: Salary Cap Poll

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 5:22 pm
by Dean-Atlanta
Sign them by paying their salary, or release them in off-season to free up the salary. Points system is redundant with the use of the full salary cap system.

Re: Salary Cap Poll

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 11:32 am
by Charlie-49ers
I am ambivalent on the issue! Over 20+ years, we have been down this road several times, and there is no great solution. I used to like the program where we had to bid on each player and he could accept or reject the offer, and then you would have to try again if he rejected it. That was challenging and fun, but we are no longer there and have done the best we could with what we have. Now, I just go with the flow and manage the team accordingly and have my team set for next season based on the current system.

One alternative, if we decide to eliminate both is to eliminate the Cap or Points one season, and eliminate the other the following season. That would give us four alternatives of which I can live with either. Whatever we do, do it soon so that everyone has the opportunity to adjust.

On to the Draft Pool now that I have plenty of time to work on it.

Re: Salary Cap Poll

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 12:20 pm
by Rich-League Officer
I threw this up here just to generate a conversation....
So, the one issue with let's say eliminating the points and just using salaries is.
Lets pretend I generate those salaries as I already do. Those get used as a base for you.
Then teams bid on free agents offering players money/salaries which means even though the free agent is worth 1M, you can bid 2M for him. Or technically under bid for him too.
No points, just money, it does make more sense.

But here is the problem, this system becomes even more complicated for coaches. It would require your attention to be careful with the money much more so than right now. The salaries are set now so you can easily see how the pieces fit into place. If there was open bidding on players, why can I see some teams spend all their money and still need 5 players :)

As for the old cap manager, that was a cool program and I am pretty sure I don't have what we would need to use it again. I should take a look though because this was the best utility we ever used.

Re: Salary Cap Poll

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 3:05 pm
by Jerry-Redskins
I would rather lower complications. Ditching the cap and keeping the points leaves all the current systems in place to handle FA, anti aging, etc in the simplest manner. Cap without points gets more complicated. The Cap without points is the worse choise of the three in my opinion.

Re: Salary Cap Poll

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 7:51 pm
by Dean-Atlanta
If I had to choose one of the options Rich listed, it would be #3, the status quo, keep the current system as it is now.

Re: Salary Cap Poll

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:37 am
by Mitch-Oilers
Something else to consider in this discussion is the impact of creating a wider differentiation among player ratings. If we continue on the path to widen the gap of individual ratings between players, I believe that will change the mindset of how coaches/GMs use their points and manage the cap.

Re: Salary Cap Poll

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:47 pm
by Steve-LA Chargers
Has the salary system had the desired effect? Is it forcing coaches to eventually let go of decent veterans to save money? Has FA been any better?

My observation is that veterans have completely lost any value they had. Starter quality talent can't be traded for much at all.

Also, it's not creating the balance we had hoped for. How is it that my AWFUL roster is projected to be way over the cap worse than NYJ & Chicago? 278k? I'm gonna have to pretty much cut everyone and start over. A 1-15 team shouldn't have to prepare for drastic cuts just to get under the cap.

Anyone else notice we've had retirements and 2+ openings mostly since we have had the cap?

I think there are only two choices, leave the system as is or go back to the purely points based system. FA would get boring without points, so I'm not in favor of no points system. Abolishing points and using salary for FA would be brutal on Rich - would create a tracking nightmare in the Contracts file.