Charlie-49ers wrote:The suggestion of having a second Center as Active or Open during each game is quite practical and is likely already being implemented by NFL teams. Although it may add complexity to team management, it certainly makes the game more realistic. According to the latest roster updates, 12 out of 18 teams would already be following this recommendation. It seems like a logical choice for the League to adopt.
I think the point that is being missed here is Most OL players actually play at least 2 position. Putting in this rule would move us farther from the flexibility of NFL roster management not closer.
We have the PRD pass issue which has lead to unrealistic 3rd situation. One of which no one seems to notice. How often does 3rd and impossible gets converted in PNFL.
Jerry is completely right in this. We spend too much time worrying about things that aren't problems and ignoring the problems. I pointed out the PRD problem to the league officers after week 6 to watch. It only got worse. Focus on broken things. When you fix things that aren't broken you tend to break things.