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Re: FA rule proposal to eliminate circumventing restructuring costs

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 5:43 am
by Jerry-Redskins
Here's the next thing that needs fixing. We all agree that the actual $$$ cap is gone for good I believe. To finish that transition, we need to go back to the rules that governed that practice as well. The points are now 100% of the dollars. This means, we need to revert back to points not being tradeable. We only allowed it after we created the actual $$$ cap system.

Teams can trade actual assets (players, picks) that can make a difference depending on their contracts left on players, but no longer be able to trade actual points. This would also throw more players in FA probably.

I propose the old rule be reapplied starting the next contract year for 2043. Simple rule. No trading of points.

Re: FA rule proposal to eliminate circumventing restructuring costs

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 5:58 am
by Jerry-Redskins
I never said the practice was smart.

If a player is worth only 1 point, the first bid wins the vast majority of the time and as I noted this is not our 100% jobs. We have real life to deal with.

I have to explain things this way at work all the time. If it looks like a duck, quacks, and waddles around, it is a duck. Do not try to explain why it is a chicken. The cut and immediate resign is a RESTRUCTURE . We may choose to allow it, but lets at least tell the truth about what the team is doing.

Re: FA rule proposal to eliminate circumventing restructuring costs

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 6:01 am
by Mitch-Oilers
I agree with you Jerry on reverting back to the no trade of points rule, if we look at points as the "cap".

However, if we look at points as our "cap", what about the teams that have a stock pile of points or those who don't use all their points in a season? Do we limit the amount of points a team can have overall as a method of "cap" enforcement?

Re: FA rule proposal to eliminate circumventing restructuring costs

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 8:31 am
by Rich-League Officer
Jerry-Redskins wrote:I never said the practice was smart.

If a player is worth only 1 point, the first bid wins the vast majority of the time and as I noted this is not our 100% jobs. We have real life to deal with.

I have to explain things this way at work all the time. If it looks like a duck, quacks, and waddles around, it is a duck. Do not try to explain why it is a chicken. The cut and immediate resign is a RESTRUCTURE . We may choose to allow it, but lets at least tell the truth about what the team is doing.

What difference does it make what we call it?
Re-sign? restructure?
90%+ of free agents sign for 1 point or 0 points.
So, this practice you want eliminated is actually foolish.
The idea is to stretch your points as much as possible to keep your players, especially as points trend downward.
This practice is creating 2 year deals for players who could almost assuredly sign for 0/1pt next season giving them a 3 year deal.
Are you trying to save Dean from himself? :)

Re: FA rule proposal to eliminate circumventing restructuring costs

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 8:49 am
by Jerry-Redskins
You are missing the point in my opinion. That HB should not even be on a roster in the league currently as he sucks. It's not about the crap players. It's the principle, because it could be better players and it is 100% fact going around the actual cost of resigning players. If they were in FA at the end of the season everyone has time to view and strategize and just have a doggone chance to see the player was available over time. Cut and signing is over in 24 hours. Everyone does not have the time or inclination to notice all PNFL league activity every day and it cost 4 points to extend a player 2 years. The player should have a chance to make more money and teams pay the proper price. It is leveraging the real life gaps to get around the proper price to pay. As I stated earlier, the league can allow it if it wishes, but it is a big crowing rooster and not a duck, no matter how many costumes people try to put on the duck. :lol:

Re: FA rule proposal to eliminate circumventing restructuring costs

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 9:21 am
by Rich-League Officer
Can you show me a PNFL real world example of this practice happening?
Where 17 other coaches fell a sleep and allowed a quality player be cut and re-signed in 24 hours.

Re: FA rule proposal to eliminate circumventing restructuring costs

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 9:28 am
by Rich-League Officer
And that does matter, because if we are just talking about crap players being cut and re-signed then it makes this practice even more foolish.
Those players are likely going to be cut again in 2043 which will be a further waste of points.
Those players have zero chance of being restructured for 2 years 4 points.
I guess I am just not wrapping my head around why this matters.
No coach is getting an advantage by doing this.
You want a rule to prevent foolish GM decisions?
Should we make a rule that if you finish under .500 you are not allowed to trade your 1st rd pick? :)

Re: FA rule proposal to eliminate circumventing restructuring costs

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 10:48 am
by Moxs - Patriots
This is a paraphrase - but i might be able to find the actual messages if needed - (It has been recommended to me, several times by different league veterans - To take a look at my roster and if a player's contract is due and he a borderline on your team cut him. Then resign him for 1 point rather than spending 1.5 or 2.)

You guys have advised me to do this as good GMs do it.

I am confused as to why it is now and issue.


Re: FA rule proposal to eliminate circumventing restructuring costs

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 2:48 pm
by Moxs - Patriots
Ah ok - i totally miss understood - I thought we were talking about FA Open season .There are GM cutting there own players - and resiging during the season to restructure?i did not notice.

Re: FA rule proposal to eliminate circumventing restructuring costs

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 2:52 pm
by Moxs - Patriots
I am not sure this is a cheat or not. It is sneaky. But if it is taking advantage of the rules, everone is trying to get an edge.
Sigh, maybe i should have thought of this tactic before week 16 - then again maybe not.