Retirements/Anti-Aging System

Rich-League Officer
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Re: Retirements/Anti-Aging System

Postby Rich-League Officer » Fri Feb 11, 2022 6:43 pm

Justin-Chicago wrote:
Rich-League Officer wrote:I would drop him in the depth chart to make him retire hopefully.

So you would have control of our roster at the end of the season and try to make the "red" players retire, regardless of their contract status?

If you want to adjust your roster, you can. But older players, especially 10+ are essentially useless once they age.
What is Karl Joseph going to look like when he ages after 2040 for example?
And since he is out of transferability, he can't be used for that.
But if you want to adjust your roster for a player just to see what he looks and because he has a contract, you can.
Just not sure it matters at that point.

I suppose there have been occasional but rare star players who have aged yet could be a depth player. Not very often though.
At that point if a 12 yr player is your S4, you just get rid of him and train your rookie.

But I am happy to run your rmupdates if you want.

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Re: Retirements/Anti-Aging System

Postby tmurph-Jets » Fri Feb 11, 2022 6:50 pm

Rich-League Officer wrote:Justin,
As we discussed, I think I am open to allowing teams to use their green players too.
If you are willing to retire them by transferring their roll, I see no issue.
It's a life or two for saving 1.

Can we use a green guy and transfer his roll to a yellow guy?
I assume that makes the green guy a red guy now? :)
And it sounds like that red player will age for sure but maybe even retire unless we choose to adjust as Justin asked.

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Re: Retirements/Anti-Aging System

Postby Rich-League Officer » Fri Feb 11, 2022 6:59 pm

tmurph-Jets wrote:
Rich-League Officer wrote:Justin,
As we discussed, I think I am open to allowing teams to use their green players too.
If you are willing to retire them by transferring their roll, I see no issue.
It's a life or two for saving 1.

Can we use a green guy and transfer his roll to a yellow guy?
I assume that makes the green guy a red guy now? :)
And it sounds like that red player will age for sure but maybe even retire unless we choose to adjust as Justin asked.

Yes, it's not in the initial post but it was something I thought about.
If you are willing to turn a green guy into a red guy by transferring a roll to a yellow guy, I am fine with that.
It will very likely destroy that players career. Trading a life for a life. If that red guy does not retire and has a contract, you can keep him.
From a league files standpoint, I'd like to try and retire him since we know he's going to end up in the FA pile worthless but if you want to send me an rmupdate, fine.

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Re: Retirements/Anti-Aging System

Postby Rich-League Officer » Fri Feb 11, 2022 7:03 pm

I'm happy to answer all the questions but it really comes down to you checking your contract file.
Find the Green and Yellow players.
#1 Do nothing and it will happen automatically for you.
#2 Transfer rolls from Yellow/Green players to Yellow players.
Any player who transferred his roll becomes a Red player and ages 100% and might also retire.

That's why I say it's simple once it gets rolling.
Under the hood, yeah it seems complicated.
But for lazy coaches, new coach, see step #1

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Re: Retirements/Anti-Aging System

Postby Dean-Atlanta » Fri Feb 11, 2022 8:57 pm

I think Justin makes a good point, we should probably run unretirement and AA in this current off-season under the current rules and implement what Rich outlined during the 2040 season and going forward toward the next off-season.
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Re: Retirements/Anti-Aging System

Postby Dean-Atlanta » Sat Feb 12, 2022 12:05 am

But do we have to spend all those points on AA if we used old rules (or something like them) for AA this one last time?
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Re: Retirements/Anti-Aging System

Postby James-Eagles » Sat Feb 12, 2022 7:00 am

I can attest Rich made it sound way more complicated than what it is or was suppose to be. It really is set up to be do nothing system.

If we want to do it at the end of this season. I say embrace the spirit of the uncap year and just assume everyone passed their physical last off season.

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Re: Retirements/Anti-Aging System

Postby Mitch-Oilers » Sat Feb 12, 2022 7:55 am

Unless I'm missing something, l agree with James. Let's make the transition now by assuming everyone passed their physical at the beginning of last season.
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Re: Retirements/Anti-Aging System

Postby James-Eagles » Sat Feb 12, 2022 8:00 am

I honestly don't like the transferring of rolls. I think it add a layer of complexity. I rather replace it of 2 options

1. This is the one I like require two fails to age.
safe green
0 fail Yellow- Physical roll beginning of off-season. If fails becomes orange
1 fail Orange- Physical roll beginning of off-season, If fails becomes red
2 fails Red- Ages and has no retirement protection at the end of the season.

2. Increase the odd of succeeding

The concept of this system is that it just happens behind the scenes no advantage if you are a master of game or not. Besides I think transfer rolls just allows easy exploding of the rules. It also adds way too much complexity to something that should be very simple.

If you remove transferring we have a week to cut and trade to get to 53 and possibly submit a RMUpdate. Then Rich waves his hand and we ready for Free Agency

If we allow transferring rolls. It is too easy to stock pile old player who have rolls to transfer. Heck allowing green transfers. You can just transfer all your bench warmers. I can take all round draft picks that you have no attention of keeping and make him red for more than a few season. He won't age for 6 years so I get him for the life of his rookie contract at no cost but your CB1 get to play another season. You could keep doing this until that perfect Stats CB is 20. It creates a serious level of exploitable complexity that doesn't need to be there.

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Re: Retirements/Anti-Aging System

Postby Justin-Chicago » Sat Feb 12, 2022 8:55 am

Keep in mind the existing dice rolls chart os what’s being used though. A player would be less likely to miraculously make it to age 20 than they are now, because they turn yellow sooner than the current age at which they can’t be 100 percent protected.

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