Barney - Vikings wrote:I disagree with Jerry. Video of each of our games is available for study just like in the NFL. While the NFL is a copycat league, they do so by watching that game video; they don’t get the inner logic of any new plays handed to them on a platter.
As someone who likes creating plays there is very little pay off for doing so; maybe you can get a little edge in ONE game, but only on 4 offensive and defensive plays. Most of the “new” plays created now are merely rehashes of old ones because they can be created quickly and easily. What’s the motivation to spend hours developing truly new plays when there is very little payoff? I know I would be much more motivated to create innovative new plays if I was able to use them exclusively for a period of time, so I support that idea.
And you can still SEE the new play in video and how it works (just like real football) before the *.ply file is released.