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PNFL Crazy Alternate League

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 12:28 pm
by Moxs - Patriots
I just got this idea.
We take the PNFL as is and duplicate it.
Then each owner takes or negotiates, to run their 1st or 2nd all-time favorite franchise - past or present.
Then we make trades, cuts signings etc, so that the teams are carrying the Actual NFL players as of 2023 or as close as possible.
We play it along side the PNFL for more fun, and talk Steve Corbett into running it.

What do you guys think?

Re: PNFL Crazy Alternate League

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 1:18 pm
by Mitch-Oilers
I'd be game to participate in a small league outside the PNFL. However, the season would need to take place during the off-season of the PNFL.

Maybe an 8 to 10 team ""Off-Season" league with limited roster management. It could be a way for coaches to experiment with PPPs against competition.

Re: PNFL Crazy Alternate League

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 1:41 pm
by Justin-Chicago
I believe FBPro98 would be better suited for a college league.

I hear the moniker XFBS could be available…

But why go all out on the NCAA when all you really need is an SEC division and a Big Ten division?

I’d take the Gators this time around…

Re: PNFL Crazy Alternate League

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 2:48 pm
by Charlie-49ers
Interesting, but no trading or negotiating! The PNFL players' attributes do not necessarily reflect their performance in the NFL, take Brock Purdy for example. First, you would need eight or ten volunteers, to pick their desired team. Then, you would need to make up attributes reflected in their most recent NFL performance, including changing their ages and unretiring some of the older players (e.g. Aaron Rodgers). Admirable idea, but challenging to get off the ground if you really wanted a real NFL team in a PNFL league. Let's see if we get any takers.

Re: PNFL Crazy Alternate League

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 3:34 pm
by Dean-Atlanta
I think Justin's idea is more feasible, bring back a version of the XFBS as a 12 team league with 3 divisions for SEC, Big 10, and Big 12 teams. Keep the ratings much more in line with PNFL ratings and no so-called "blue chip" MONSTER PLAYERS.

Re: PNFL Crazy Alternate League

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 3:43 pm
by Justin-Chicago
Who would want a Big 12 team?

Re: PNFL Crazy Alternate League

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 4:26 pm
by Dean-Atlanta
Someone might want to take Colorado if Coach Prime has revived interest in that team.

Re: PNFL Crazy Alternate League

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 4:32 pm
by Dean-Atlanta
Maybe it could be divisions of SEC, Big 10, and a 3rd division of other major teams so Steve could have
UCLA again, and Shawn could take Syracuse as he did in the XFBS. I would take Tennessee, you would take Florida,, if James joins he would take Michigan again... that's 6 teams, we just need most of 6 teams to join to have a 12 team XFBS with very few if any CPU teams

It could start the week after week 216 in the PNFL, play mostly during the off-season, and play 12 week regular season with a 4 team playoff at the end in 2 weeks.

Re: PNFL Crazy Alternate League

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 4:51 pm
by Mitch-Oilers
A small college based league woupd be fun. Recruit/Draft only, no trading so roster management would be easy.

Base the number of teams on interest. If only 8 coaches are interested, we would only need an 8 team league.

Re: PNFL Crazy Alternate League

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 5:05 pm
by Justin-Chicago
I was thinking of UCLA as Big Ten.

I did forget about Shawn’s Syracuse connection though…

I believe Matt would want Arkansas, Barney with LSU, perhaps Mitch with UGA? Perhaps Thomas likes seeing Mac Jones’s picture so much he rolls with the Tide?

The SEC division would be stacked. Maybe that’s realistic?

I would have zero issue with early season games overlapping the PNFL playoffs