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Next Season's Draft

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:43 pm
by Charlie-49ers
In my humble opinion, there is very little talent beyond the 5th Round, and some could effectively argue that it is even much earlier in the draft process. For discussion purposes only at this time, I would like to propose five, instead of seven rounds next draft. The remaining draftees would be released to Free Agency. Among the remaining undrafted players, we will randomly select five players at five different positions and we will boost them three different individual POT attributes by one point. Most likely, the elimination of the additional rounds will prevent coaches from drafting more than 63 players, causing them to cut back. More importantly, it should expedite the draft itself by several days. Overall, I do not see how this would hurt the League and the additional thirty-six players that would not be drafted under the current process would still be available but subject to Free Agency bidding if someone needs to fill a position or sees desirable attributes that could help their team.

All 'constructive' comments are welcome.

BTW, this thread is open to one topic only! If you want to suggest other changes, start a new thread.

Re: Next Season's Draft

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:58 pm
by Jerry-Redskins
I think this is a solution with no problem. The last couple of drafts went relatively smoothly. It is also a disadvantage to add more to FA after the draft. The ability to place the first bid is an advantage as most will go for only 1 point. It makes it an advantage for the few that come be on right at the FA period start. It may appear to be no talent left, but as we continue with the larger spread drafts those players will be better and better overall in comparison. We will be retiring the old draft style in a few more seasons.

I see no issue with the draft at the current time it takes. Society seemingly wants things faster and faster. The draft has been a nice pace and I have enjoyed it. No change for change sake I think

Re: Next Season's Draft

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:00 pm
by Mitch-Oilers
Keep 7 rounds.

Re: Next Season's Draft

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:36 pm
by Dan-Cincinnati
I agree with Jerry. We finished the draft in 1 week this year which is fine IMO. I also agree that larger spreads will eventually make these late round players more valuable, especially with random boosts. I say keep it how it is

Re: Next Season's Draft

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 10:03 pm
by Steve-LA Chargers
I actually like the idea. You would just need to compensate anyone who acquired 2041 5ths, 6ths, and 7ths in this draft with points.

Re: Next Season's Draft

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 10:47 pm
by Matt-Jacksonville
Personally, I like being able to draft guys after the 3rd round at a zero point cost. As the number of points come down and the quality of those players gets better with the increased spread, I think these picks will become more valuable. I would "vote" to keep seven rounds. For teams loaded with talent, practice squad players mean little; however, to the lesser talented teams these guys could lay the building blocks to rebuild a roster

Re: Next Season's Draft

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:40 am
by Dean-Atlanta
I have to agree with Jerry on this issue, normally I'm for change but in this instance I think what we have now worked very well in completing the entire 7 rounds of the draft in one week.

Re: Next Season's Draft

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:17 am
by Shawn-Giants
No issue here to fix. Draft is fine. If anything we need to figure out a way to make the draft picks more valuable so after the second round coaches aren't handing their picks away because remaining talent won't make the cut for their rosters.

Re: Next Season's Draft

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:53 am
by James-Eagles
Keep 7 rounds

Re: Next Season's Draft

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 8:25 am
by Steve-LA Chargers
If we do shift to 4 rounds, then all undrafted players acquired through FA should still get 4 year contracts and bids can start at 0 for them. The good ones will get bid up anyway. The projects and depth fillers probably get taken for 0-.5