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Oakland at Kansas City post-game comments

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 4:43 am
by Dean-Atlanta
We had a very productive off-season and training camp, and set up a new process and system for both offense and defense, and believed we were prepared to see very different results from last season's 5-11 finish. And then there is tonight's game. Oakland had an interesting game plan that worked very well and deserve to win having proved they were the better team. Our team came out to play in the rain and seem to collapse much like they did in last season's 26-25 loss to the Chargers that started with a 25-10 Chiefs lead before we collapsed and gave up 16 unanswered points to lose. But tonight we skipped taking that 25-10 lead and went straight to self-destructing. The defense made a great effort, but after repeated complete failures by the offense, there is not much a defense can do to keep us in the game in which our offense fails to muster up even a minimal degree of effectiveness. He offense failed to make a showing in this game, we failed to establish a running game and the passing game was non-existent. There are no bright spots in this offensive effort, nothing we can point to and say this worked well and we need to do more of that next week. What this team needs to do next week is many things on offense it did not do tonight. If this team performs, as it did tonight, for the remainder of the season, the odds of a 0-16 season are as inevitable as the sky being blue on a sunny day. A football team that can neither run the ball nor pass the ball is like an airplane with no wings, it can not fly. We face the Packers and Jets the next two weeks and could easily start this season 0-3. Few of our upcoming games look like chances to win if this team plays the way it did today. We easily finish the season 2-14 because we could only manage to defeat New Orleans and Detroit. When nothing appeared to work on offense tonight all we can do is to try something else next week. What that something else will be remains to be figured out before next week.

Re: Oakland at Kansas City post-game comments

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:23 am
by Mitch-Oilers
The Chiefs couldn't block, but they made up for it by not tackling.

Re: Oakland at Kansas City post-game comments

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 10:53 am
by Jerry-Redskins
The Chiefs did not play horrible. The play calling was OK and the running game showed a little promise from what I see. Just a little better execution on some plays needed.

Re: Oakland at Kansas City post-game comments

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 2:13 pm
by James-Eagles
Jerry-Redskins wrote:The Chiefs did not play horrible. The play calling was OK and the running game showed a little promise from what I see. Just a little better execution on some plays needed.

I agree completely. They could have been Detroit who stunk from the opening kickoff.