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Please stop messing with rules.

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 5:29 am
by James-Eagles
Ok right now we have

4 teams above 7 wins
9 teams are have 4 to 6 wins
3 teams at 3 wins
2 teams below 3 wins

We have parity right now in this league. The division champs seem to be clear but the wild card races are crazy. We are at week 10 and 12 teams are all in range to push for a wild card birth. That means right now 16 of 18 have a reasonable chance if they stepped up their game to be one of the 8 who makes the playoffs. Competitively this is the best the league has ever been. Heck Jerry has stepped up his game tremendously. A few season ago he would have been one of the 4 to 6 win coaches. He stepped up his game and now he is running away with the division. It isn't that big of a step to get up to where we can be pushing those top teams.

The way the league is right now I would have a hard time even making a case to change the contract system we have which we all know I hate. I personally I think it would make things more competitive and probably end a lot of horrible trades that are being made. Given the results I am seeing on the field. I would have a hard time even voting for that. Things are good right now stop fixing something that isn't broke.

Re: Please stop messing with rules.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 7:23 pm
by Rich-League Officer
I tend to agree with James.
I would leave the rules alone.

But, if Charlie saw value in changing the custom play rules in a way to enhance the pass game, that makes sense to me.
That does not impact the core rules we already have in place.

Add to that, a perhaps more aggressive approach to the rookies with regard to attribute diversity and we're fine.

Re: Please stop messing with rules.

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 2:39 pm
by Steve-LA Chargers
If limiting 2 DL plays for realism is deemed vital in the offseason, then the profile rules have to be modified to control the use of the categories that still have them. You can't simply remove 2 DLs from certain categories as the current wide-open defensive profile rules wouldn't stop people from using them.

Keep in mind I beat that Indy coach in the playoffs a few seasons ago using only PRD defenses on every 6+ down. Unrealistic, but still legal to do even now.

Re: Please stop messing with rules.

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 7:19 pm
by Dean-Atlanta
I still remember the game someone won several seasons ago by calling TWO GLP defenses 90 percent of the time...

Re: Please stop messing with rules.

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 9:40 pm
by Mitch-Oilers
That's because you only need 2 GL plays and can set your profile as GLP 10, GLP 10, RL 1.