Postby Barney - Vikings » Mon May 01, 2023 8:18 pm
Blessed are the playmakers! I think we all appreciate the contributions that Dean and others have made to our play pool.
As someone who likes to create a play every now and then, I tend to sympathize with the Creatives of the league. However, I understand Charlie‘s concerns as well. Aesthetically, I don’t want to see or create a game plan that’s just a few individual plays with six or seven or eight clones each.
The rules state that we need to use unique plays in each category and a clone or near clone is simply not a unique play in my mind. I like Neil’s suggestion that plays have a family tree. Since we don’t want to create more work for Charlie it should be the responsibility of the play creator, if cloning, to indicate a new play’s original template, otherwise Charlie should dismiss it out of hand. Then Charlie can have a database of clones he can refer to and use his best judgment as to whether to accept a new play or not.
I also like the idea of writing over your old plays if you wish to create new ones in order to keep the play pool at a manageable size.