Pittsburgh Steelers--Los Angeles Rams

Rich-League Officer
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Pittsburgh Steelers--Los Angeles Rams

Postby Rich-League Officer » Wed Jul 24, 2019 10:38 pm

FYI, the coach of the Rams will be the coach of the Steelers in 2035.
He took his players and flew to Pittsburgh.
The Steelers will remain in the AFC east.

The former coach of Pittsburgh Dean Chambers has been awol since March 29th for me.
The story was he was having some health problems.
I pray that he is alive and well but you never know.
If he returns, he is always welcome back.

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Re: Pittsburgh Steelers--Los Angeles Rams

Postby Matt-Jacksonville » Thu Jul 25, 2019 8:29 am

Prayers for Dean from the Jags owership as well, and we can surely find a home for him if/when he returns.

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