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Week 10 Boo-boo's

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 4:41 pm
by Rich-League Officer
I think I will begin using this section for what I believe are profile errors/mistakes.
Not to call anyone out and attack you but so that you can fix or consider fixing your profile.
I don't watch every minute of every game so I'll miss plenty.

Atlanta @ Jacksonville
2 things jumped out at me...
#1 Jax scored a late TD to make it 30-23 and for some odd reason went for 2. This is a mistake as far as I'm concerned.
Down by 7, you kick the XP, make it 6 so if you get a last sec TD, you win the game. In this case, the 2pt was missed so now a TD sends it to OT where it's a coin flip game.
#2 Falcons get the ball back with 1:58 left and up by 7.....Jags had 3 timeouts and used none of them. And guess what, it would have been 3 and out with 1:40 left and a chance to tie the game. Could have been an opportunity to win the game if #1 was fixed.

These are small things that prevent your team from having a chance to win. We see comebacks all the time.

Re: Week 10 Boo-boo's

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:10 pm
by Mitch-Oilers
Those late game and "situational" scenarios always end up being critical unless you are in a blow out. I will check myself multiple times when making those types of adjustments and still worry that something was saved or copied wrong.

Re: Week 10 Boo-boo's

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:04 pm
by Matt-Jacksonville
Rich is being nice. He failed to mention the copy error on 4th down. It was a major embarassment trying a 93 and an 85 yard FG!

Re: Week 10 Boo-boo's

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:09 pm
by Matt-Jacksonville
The two that Rich mentioned actually surprised me. I was watching and went WTH?!? at both of those. Something has messed up my end of half clock management. It has been way better.

Re: Week 10 Boo-boo's

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:16 pm
by Matt-Jacksonville
Rich-League Officer wrote:These are small things that prevent your team from having a chance to win. We see comebacks all the time. [/b]

In my second game against Indy, I had a chance at a comeback because they strangely enough punted on like 2nd down it seemed late in the game.

Re: Week 10 Boo-boo's

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 9:03 pm
by Rich-League Officer
I don't watch the games in their entirety so I am sure I will miss many boo boo's :)

Re: Week 10 Boo-boo's

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 3:00 pm
by Rich-League Officer
New Orleans/Detroit
Lions failed to use timeouts in the final 1-2m of the first half.
They kicked a FG as time ran but this could be managed much cleaner for a possible TD.
I just re-watched, 1:23 left, 2nd-10, Lions completed 2 short passes leaving 4th down and FG try.
Based on the playcalling, timeouts were not necessarily needed here but if there was less time, they would have been.
Definitely could see clock run and no try.

Saints trailing 20-7 at the 2m warning, did not call a TO on first down, called one 2nd down, did not call one on 3rd down.
Yes, down 14 but you need to have these timeouts in there all the time. Strange stuff can happen.
Will that also happen down by 2 in the wildcard game?

Re: Week 10 Boo-boo's

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 3:43 pm
by Rich-League Officer
grind.JPG (15.46 KiB) Viewed 5918 times
Anaheim/San Francisco

Rams losing 38-31 late, at midfield with only 39 sec left, 3rd-LONG, get sacked, clock running because timeouts were used.
Rams line up and punt! You gotta toss a bomb into the endzone and pray on 4th-LONG. Bad way to end a fun game.

49ers with the ball on their 14 and only 7 seconds left decided to run a play instead of run the clock.
Given that the Rams, from similar territory earlier in the 4th qter threw a Pick6 into the arms of a 49er defender, not a smart play.
Lots of teams refuse to use the run clock feature for some reason.