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Endurance - The great multiplier

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 4:59 pm
by Mitch-Oilers
Endurance - credit to Big Red Machine

During a game, a player’s ER (Energy Rating) goes down every play that they are in and goes up every play that they are out. The ER is a number between 0 and 100. It is used as a percentage multiplier for all ratings except IN and DI. For example, if a WR has a SP of 84 and an ER of 90, then their actual SP at that moment in the game is only 76 (90% times 84). How much a player’s ER goes up or down each play is determined by their EN (Endurance). The higher their EN, the less their ER drops when they are in the game and the faster it climbs when they are out of the game.

Let's look at an example of the importance of EN. Here are two HBs at the start of the game (ER=100)...

HB Payton 83 81 83 83 81 85 90 85 100
HB Sanders 81 80 81 81 80 90 90 85 100

Most coaches would consider HB Payton the better player and would use him as their HB1. However, if both players are used throughout the game, the ER of Payton will eventually drop below that of Sanders. When that happens, the ratings of Sanders can actually surpass those of Payton.

Let's imagine that both players have been playing most of the game and we're in the fourth quarter. The ER ratings here are estimates and are not the result of any calculation...

HB Payton 66 65 66 66 65 68 90 85 80
HB Sanders 69 68 69 69 68 77 90 85 85

You can see that HB Sanders is a better HB in the fourth quarter simply because he had the superior EN which allowed him to better preserve (and recover) his ER during the game. There is another major advantage to EN... when a player's ER drops, they are much more susceptible to injuries.

Re: Endurance - The great multiplier

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:56 pm
by Barney - Vikings
IN is unaffected by ER.

Re: Endurance - The great multiplier

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 7:08 pm
by Mitch-Oilers
You are correct, Barney. IN and DI are not impacted by ER going down.

Re: Endurance - The great multiplier

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 10:44 pm
by Dean-Atlanta
The 91 and 90 EN, along with solid numbers in the first 5 skill rating, are why WR Josh Johnson will start as WR3 and WR Kevin Austin will start as WR4. Javon Wims (91 EN) is WR1 and Shi Smith (90 EN) is WR2. Cephus, Rodgers and Gibson come in off the bench and WR Fountain is the return guy.

EN is definitely important. 85 EN WRs don't make it on my roster.

Re: Endurance - The great multiplier

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:13 am
by Matt-Jacksonville
EN is why I traded QB Rudolph and cut QB Neal.

Re: Endurance - The great multiplier

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 11:45 am
by Steve-Buffalo Bills
Some thoughts on this:

QBs: EN below 86 is now a hell no for me. So not shocked QB Jackson got injured late last season to allow the Kizer comeback.
WRs: I prefer 89+ EN ... Justin tried to trade me Skowronek and I balked at his maxPot85 EN despite meeting my 84SP & 86AC targets
LBs: Because we are required to have 5 active by the game, I'm far more flexible on their EN but prefer 86+ | most of our effective defensive plays use 3 or less
Ss: Prefer 89+ because this makes their lowered ratings match up to CBs when ER takes effect, but will allow 86 for depth if maxed in key ratings

Re: Endurance - The great multiplier

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:00 pm
by Shawn-Giants
It's one of the main reasons I don't run with the QB anymore, listen, I don't want to discourage anyone from running their QB, but from my own testing from about 3 seasons ago, a small sample size --100 games with running and 100 games without, my QB's passing percentage was the main thing effected by the running and a night and day difference. Not to say there's some cheap yardage you can gain from some designed QB run play in the playpool, but your QB's ER get's eaten up like pacman to pac pillets and effects your overall completion percentage and who knows what else.

This is results from my own testing, If you run successfully your with your QB, continue doing so, don't let this sample data thwart your strategy. Run your QB responsibly. :mrgreen: