Off-season Play Type Proposal

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Re: Off-season Play Type Proposal

Postby Dean-Atlanta » Sun Jul 14, 2024 1:32 pm

I don't see any problems with allowing lobs anywhere timed pass 15 or fewer yards are allowed. I favor more coaching flexibility and individual coaches choices, especially it is represents what happens in the game. I think a 15 yard lob is less likely to be blocked at the line by DLs, but it is likely going to be thrown less accurately by the QB. So it's a trade-off.

The use of GLP plays on 2nd and 3rd and short situations I have no issue with. Otherwise, those plays would easily be adapted and submitted also as PSM and PSR if this practice was disallowed.

I amok with 2 or 4. 1 is rarely the best option. Not changing and becoming stagnant is never an option. As Gordon Ramsey says, we must embrace change.
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